Contact-less QR Menu
Create a digital menu for your Restaurant or Bar. Engage more with your customers.
Their mobile is your menu now!
The most comprehensive platform for QR digital menu
There are platforms where you can make QR code, but no menu. There are platforms where you can create a menu but not design your QR
We do both.

Create a Digital Menu
Create your menu directly on our platform. Update anytime. Easy And Simple
Real-time changes
Organize into categories
Extras and items variants

Create QR
8 different designs. Unlimited color options. Choose QR and Flayer style.
Beautiful QR Styles
Pick QR color
Print templates for download

Go Digital
Now your visitors will use their mobile phone camera to access your menu.
No mobile app required
Super-fast online menu - PWA
View analytics

Accept local orders
Your customers can order direclty from their phone
Real-time sound notifications
Continues orders
Unlimited options, variants, and extras

Accept payments
Your customers can pay order directly via card
Accept any Credit and Debit card
Get paid immediately via Stripe Connect
Secure online payments

Customer Log
Lot of countries, have legal requirement to keep log of their customers, for Covid tracking reasons
Customers can register them selfs
Manage the visits on your own
Powerful export / report functionality
Simple Pricing
Start free and fell in love in our pro features
Ako vodite mali restoran, kafić ili bar, ili vam trebaju samo osnove, ovaj plan je odličan.
- Alat za kreiranje sopstvenog menija
- Potpun pristup alatu za kreiranje QR koda
- 300 pregleda mesečno
- 20 artikala u meniju
- Promena teme menija
- Konsultacije
Za veće restorane, kafiće ili barove. Kompletan meni. Neograničen plan. Popust za pretplatu na godišnjem nivou.
- Alat za kreiranje sopstvenog menija
- Potpun pristup alatu za kreiranje QR koda
- Neograničen broj pregleda
- Neograničen broj artikala u meniju
- Pozivanje konobara
- Promena teme menija
- Podrška.
Budite profesionalni! Prihvatite porudžbine direktno sa telefona Vašeg gosta. Popust za pretplatu na godišnjem nivou.
- Alat za kreiranje sopstvenog menija
- Potpun pristup alatu za kreiranje QR koda
- Neograničen broj pregleda
- Neograničen broj artikala u meniju
- Pozivanje konobara
- Prihvatanje porudžbina
- Neograničen broj porudžbina
- Upravljanje porudžbinama
- Plaćanje putem PayPal-a
- Registracija gostiju
- Kreiranje kupona za popuste
- Promena teme menija
- Podrška